when i got burned

I bought this Super Sailormoon costume off ebay back in june, right? It was supposed to be my Halloween costume. It was premade but it looked like it would fit me. Well, come mid July and it still hasn’t arrived. So I email the seller and ask what’s up? A few days later I get an email telling me that her computer died and she’s just now able to email me. My costume got sent back to her, would I give her my address again to make sure we had it right? I was relieved it hadn’t gotten lost, so I sent her my address again and waited some more. Well, July goes on by, August goes by, September goes by. I posted several messages at her message board during this time, but no response. Finally in late September we email her again (cause my dad’s not real happy about this, either), asking if it had gotten returned again, or if it had gotten lost, could we maybe get at least a partial refund? Guess what? Still no response. Dad says he’s gonna send it again just in case it didn’t go through, since we sent it from the other domain, and sometimes that one isn’t very good. But, even if she sends it now, it’s unlikely I’ll get it in time for Halloween šŸ™ And I didn’t even have a backup, so I’m probably going to end up wearing Jupiter again.

Gotta go to work!!